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    Upcoming Men's Retreat

    Defend us in Battle

    Basic Training for Spiritual Warfare
    March 14 - 16, 2025
    Learn More

Drawing Families to Christ and His Church through Mary

Ecclesia Domestica is a Catholic ministry of laypeople and clergy working together to bring men and women to Jesus Christ, through the inspiration and guidance of the Blessed Mother. To defend the Church by forming Christian Disciples who are dedicated to growing closer to Jesus and holding firm to the truth of the Church's teaching. To defend the Family by encouraging men and women to embrace their vocation as husbands and wives, mothers and fathers, with God at the center of Christian Family Life.

Our Next Retreat:

Defend Us in Battle - Basic Training for Spiritual Warfare

  •   March 14 - 16, 2025
  •   Sisters of St. Francis Retreat & Conference Center
          Hankinson, ND

Be sober and vigilant. Your opponent, the devil, is prowling around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.
Soldiers must train for battle, sharpen their skills and maintain their readiness. Our shield is faith, our sword is prayer, but do you know how to effectively use these weapons? Join us and learn how to employ these weapons in our daily battle against the enemy. Learn how to build a life of prayer, to stay strong and alert, always ready for the next attack. Learn the tactics of the devil, so his cunning won't take you by surprise. Put on the full armor of God, and follow Jesus Christ, the Lion of Judah, into battle.

Upcoming Events

What to Expect on Retreat


Since the Eucharist is the pinnacle of all the sacraments; we celebrate the Holy Mass daily while on retreat.


Our large group sessions are designed for Praise & Worship, prayer, teaching and testimonies.


Our small groups are designed for a more intimate approach in sharing and in prayer.


Breaking bread together fosters a spirit of brotherhood and family.


Retreatants will have an opportunity for private spiritual direction with a Priest or Deacon while on the retreat.


It is recommended you receive the sacrament before you arrive for the retreat. Priests will be available to hear onfessions throughout the weekend.


We will pray the Rosary daily.


There will be perpetual adoration throughout the Retreat. This will give you the opportunity to sit with our Lord.

Experience the healing power of prayer

Saturday evening is devoted to Prayer Ministry. This is an opportunity for you to experience firsthand the healing power of the Holy Spirit. Whether you are in need of spiritual, emotional or physical healing, our prayer teams will help you unlock the power of the holy name of Jesus. With healing and deliverance comes true freedom, allowing you to open yourself to the Lord in new and profound ways, and come alive in Jesus Christ.


Ecclesia Domestica is being called to expand our mission

For over 14 years, Ecclesia Domestica has provided opportunities for men and women to ecounter Jesus through our retreat ministry. Now, at a time when the need for this encounter is greater than ever, we are being called to expand our outreach, through the use of technology and expanded retreat offerings. In order to accomplish our goal of bringing families to Jesus Christ through the love of the Blessed Mother, we need your financial assistance.

Your generosity makes it possible for Ecclesia Domestica to fulfill the mission given to us by the Blessed Mother. May God bless you and Mary keep you.

Donate to Ecclesia Domestica

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